We started off 2019 busy with performances at Royal Hawaiian Center and Ala Moana Center.

We performed Kotobuki Jishi (celebration Lion dance) many times during those first few days of 2019! The lion dance is a symbol of good luck and driving away evil spirits. If you get bitten by the lion, you’ll have good luck for the rest of the year!

Here are some upcoming projects for 2019:

  • East Coast Taiko Conference at Cornell University (workshops and performances)
  • Guest with Hawaii Symphonic Band at Brigham Young University Hawaii
  • Guest with Tarang (Indian percussion group led by Abhijit Banerjee) Chicago, Il
  • Intercollegiate Taiko Invitational- Stanford University
  • Taiko Palooza, Ulm, Gernany
  • Taiko Jam at North American Taiko Conference, Portland, OR
  • Concert at Kuraki Noh Theater, Yokohama, Japan
  • Guest with Portland Taiko (25th Anniversary concert) Portland, OR
  • Taiko Center of the Pacific’s 25th Anniversary
Hope to see you somewhere sometime this year!